Monday, June 23, 2008

Duplicate Content Issue – Important Google Tips


This is the hottest topic among every webmaster is duplicate content issue. Every webmaster (include me ) always thinking about how to get rid of Duplicate content and what is actual duplicate content in the eye of search engine.

Sven Naumann from Google Search Quality Team gave some tips on duplicate content and what is consider as duplicate content. Here you will find some basic tips that Google recommend.

Sven Naumann mentioned that there are mainly two types of duplicate content

Same domain duplicate content: - If a website having same content for multiple pages then Google consider it as a duplicate content.
What Google will do once it finds duplicate content? It is clearly written on Google blog that during their crawling if Google find any duplicate content issue then they filter duplicate pages and show only one result in their index.
You can avoid duplicate content issue by blocking such pages using robots.txt file, let us Google crawl page which you like to get listed in search result and block other using noarchive or robots.txt.
Same content written in different language will not count as duplicate content.
If you have restructured your site then use 301 redirects through your .htaccess file. You can also set the preferred domain features available in webmaster tool.

Cross domain duplication :-
If someone directly copied your content and placed it on their website then Google probably search for the original copy of the content and will give higher weight age to the original site compare to the other.
Also if you syndicating your content then you need to ask your syndicating partners to put a link to your original content.

Bhavesh Goswami.

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